The executors is named in the will by the deceased. There can be multiple or single executors. If there are multiple executors usually the first named is the lead executor.
If a person who is not named as a executor involves themselves in the estate without authority they can become personally liability for the amount of Inheritance Tax due on the asset they have meddled with.
A named executor can renounce themselves if they are not willing to carry out the duties of the executor, however they must make sure that they have not involved themselves in any way with the estate. Once they have renounce themselves it is irrevocable.
The executor(s) can appoint a 3rd party to obtain the grant of probate. The party appointed would only deal with the executor and not beneficiaries of the estate.
The duties of the executor or the appointed party is to:
Determine the assets and liabilities of the estate, to protect those assets and obtain grant of representation.